Social Justice & Community Action
UUFF members and friends strive to make the world more peaceful and just. W are deeply committed to our religious principles of human dignity, justice, and compassion for all people. Learn more below about each of our Social Justice and Community Related Actions, and as well as find out how to get involved!

As Unitarian Universalists, we celebrate the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
We affirm the diversity of gender and work to create communities where people of all/no genders are free to be themselves.

Once a month, we move over to St. George’s Church.
We cook, serve, and clean up for over 100 people who need a free meal. It is a joyous few hours of giving back to the greater community.

We honor the interdependent web of all existence. We covenant to cherish the Earth and all beings by creating and nurturing relationships of care and respect. With humility and reverence, we acknowledge our place in the great web of life, and we work to repair harm and damaged relationships.

UUFF is a member of the National Pledge to End Racism movement.

The Fellowship supports a UU Group at Coffeewood Correctional Center in Mitchells, VA