The Building and Grounds Committee is responsible for the general upkeep and maintenance of the Fellowship building and grounds. Chair: Bruce Callander

The Committee on Shared Ministries Chair: Howard Heppe

The Community Action Committee focuses on matters of social concern within the community, with an emphasis on direct services. Chair: Curt Swinburne

The Denominational Affairs Committee maintains communication with the UUA, and strives to provide representation at the cluster, regional, and national levels. Chair: Mandolin Restivo

The End of Life Discussion Group Chairs: Patrick Neustatter and Gloria Lloyd

The Finance Committee handles the pledge drive, fundraising events, and investments, and annually submits budget recommendations to the board. Chairs: Clay Calvert and Deborah Brock

The Friendship Committee fosters social interaction by offering Sunday hospitality and arranging social events. Chairs: Diane Elstein and Susan Lovegrove

The Healthy Relations Team Chair:

The Internship Committee Chairs: Curt Swinburne and Eunice Haigler

The Membership Committee focuses on welcoming newcomers, organizes greeters, maintains membership records, and plans new member activities. Chair:

The Music Committee provides music for Sunday services and other events, and supports our music director/accompanist. Chairs: Nancy Krause and James Sperlazza

The Religious Education Committee is responsible for all religious education, including youth and adult programs and youth rites of passage. Chairs: Susan Park and Bonnie Rossi

The Social Justice Committee promotes UU principles in civic affairs through education and advocacy for long-term systemic change. Chair: Alane Callander

The Sunday Services Committee assists with Sunday services and arranges speakers for lay-led programs. Chair: Patrick Neustatter