May Wondering Out Loud

Last week, I attended a minister’s retreat in which the main program was about reclaiming one’s creative spark. The advance literature said, “In this retreat, we will make space for our weary spirits, reawaken our imaginations, and unearth new creative ideas.” We learned some practical techniques and had conversations about letting go of the mind traps that hold us back. But I found that the most important thing that freed my creative spirit was relaxation, spiritual grounding, and deep sharing with my colleagues. Nestled on a mountain surrounded by budding beauty and jaw-dropping vistas, I couldn’t help but rekindle the creative spark that seems to wane around this time in the congregational year. Creating worship is my main artistic outlet. As a minister, I am also called upon to solve problems, make program decisions, and help people who are struggling with personal challenges. In all these cases, I must work with others by listening deeply and encouraging their imaginations. For me, at least, creativity is enhanced by collaboration. For instance, the UUFF Staff meet every month to develop the services for the following month. We start with the Soul Matters theme. We then create titles and descriptions for each week’s services. And then, we start brainstorming music, stories, meditations, and rituals to support the overall message. It is a fun interchange of ideas. The worship associates also get involved by contributing readings. Only after all of that is done do I sit down to write my sermon to pull it all together. To be in the right frame of mind, I need to slow everything down through meditation, long walks, and mellow background music. I’m sure everyone has their own way of finding their creative spark. For me, I need to allow space for inspiration to arise. And I need to clear my mind so that I recognize inspiration when it shows up. Creativity and spirituality seem to go hand in hand. They reinforce one another and enable us to plumb the depths of our soul into levels we don’t even know exist. Whatever your creative outlet, may this community help you find spiritual grounding that ignites your spark into a beautiful expression of your soul.

Yours in Fellowship and Love,

~ Rev. Doug McCusker