Interest Groups
Adult Choir: For those with some musical experience. Primary contact:
UUth Choir: Designed for children and teens. Primary contact:
Handbells: No musical experience necessary. Primary contact:
Little Ringers: For Children ages 6 and up who can read and follow instructions for an hour each week. No musical experience is necessary. Primary Contact:
Music Group: Gather to make music in an informal setting just for fun. Any instrument or voice. All skill levels. Primary Contact: Lee Criscuolo
Chalice Groups:
Each Chalice Group is composed of 8-10 members who usually meet once a month to share their ideas and feelings regarding topics that reflect the current focus area in our Fellowship each month.
Great Books Group:
Reads and discusses selections from great books of Western civilization. Primary contact:
Other Group:
Historical Jesus Group: Meets bi-monthly to discuss the historical Jesus and Christianity from a liberal perspective. Primary contact:
Lunchtime Meditation: Meets weekly for an hour of lunch and meditation in the middle of the day. Primary contact: Rev.
Memoirs Group: Writes and shares stories on different aspects of life. Primary contact:
Sunday Discussion Group: Focuses on current affairs topics, often controversial.
Women’s Group: The UU Women’s Group meets on the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. There is no agenda; we are a casual, conversational group. The group gathers at a different restaurant each month.